Company information

SABAIDII Thai Massage

Ka Xaysomvang


ul. Mikołajska 26/1

31-027 Kraków


 +48 729 609 471


REGON 521361370

NIP 94-81-82-57-75

  1. pl
  2. en
  1. pl
  2. en

Where to find us?

Open Monday-Sunday 12:00-21:30

SABAIDII Thai Massage

 +48 729 609 471




About us



SABAIDII is the positive word from Laos and Thai. The meaning is "Good morning" and "Health". The reason that we use this word be our salon name is because we very welcome (SABAIDII) you to our salon and after the massage you will full of energy (SABAIDII) 

Tradition and knowledge


Our place offers real traditional Thai massage. It is based on ancient Thai medical knowledge and combines elements of yoga, acupressure and reflexology

ln the SABAIDII massage salon, all massages are performed exclusively by masseuses from Thailand, who obtained their qualifications.

+48 729 609 471